
In-Country Workshops and Meetings

Week of December 4th, 2023

Join us to learn about the project’s findings and participate in a facilitated discussion of management options to strengthen Belize’s fisheries. Additional information about timing and location to come.


Full Report on Stakeholder Workshops and Meetings Held in Belize December 4 – 8, 2023

Author: Environmental Law Institute, Comunidad y Biodiversidad, Healthy Reefs for Healthy People Initiative, MRAG Americas, & Sea Around Us
Date Released: March 2024

The Belize Fishery Project team is pleased to share our Full Report on Stakeholder Workshops and Meetings from the December 2023 trip. This report provides a summary of the results of several workshops and meetings held in Belize during the week of December 4, 2023. These activities had a primary aim of meeting with fishers and other stakeholders in Belize to exchange information and understand fishers’ ideas for strengthening fisheries management. The December fishers’ workshops were a direct follow-up to workshops held with fishers in June 2023. This report also summarizes discussions of meetings the team had with the Belize government and NGOs during the same week. 

Estamos traduciendo este informe al español. Compartiremos el reporte traducido una vez que esté disponible.